Little Green Lives

low waste living, permaculture, homeschooling in the Pacific Northwest


Zero Waste Kids Birthday Party

LIVING SIMPLYsam Jennings12 Comments

We just celebrated Theo's 6th birthday and enjoyed our second zero waste birthday party. Honestly with just a little extra thought and planning it truly is possible to host a great party and produce zero garbage. Here's how we pulled it all together. Lets be the change we want to see in the world and start a trend for zero waste birthday parties.

How to keep Christmas simple, reduce stress, expense and garbage, and have yourselves the best Christmas ever.

LIVING SIMPLYsam Jennings1 Comment

Living a very simple, minimalist life is our goal for 2017.

This year I asked all family members not to buy the kids any gifts (toys/books/games) this Christmas. They don’t need anything and in fact already have too many toys. The sheer volume of stuff overwhelms and distracts them from creative play. Plus I spend my days picking up their blocks and Legos and train tracks. If I had $1 for every time this week, I’ve stepped on or put away Sky or Marshall or one of their paw patrol cronies! 

It’s most definitely not my desire for my little people to go without. The truth is, I only want to maximise the experience for them. Just shifting the focus from all the gift-giving to a one of Christmas as a magical day and event.

5 benefits of a capsule wardrobe: Could you live with 30 items of clothing, including shoes!?

LIVING SIMPLYsam Jennings14 Comments

When you have less of something you come to value, enjoy and respect what you do have. Keep only the clothes you love, those that fit and make you feel good. Get creative with different combinations. Become a regular at local thrift stores. Discover new looks. Trade items with friends or upcycle. Not only is it a great move for the environment but you WILL feel the change in your daily life. Here is how.

A beginner's guide to zero waste living for busy mums

LIVING SIMPLYsam JenningsComment

When you take the garbage and recycling out each week do you ever get a nagging feeling about the quantity of garbage your family produces in just one week?

Does the idea of your family producing less waste sound interesting? Inspiring even? Maybe you've heard of the Zero Waste movement which is getting big attention in the media and are feeling a little intrigued?

You want your kiddies to appreciate nature and you want to be a positive role model for them, teaching them how they can evoke change and help protect the environment? 

If you answered yes, yes and yes, but aren't sure how and where to start this post is for you.